Robert Sims

Favourite Reading

Book Title Author
Stuffed and Starved Raj Patel
Climate Change as Class War Matthew T. Huber
The Trouble with Wilderness William Cronon
The Wrath of Capital Adrian Parr
Race and Food: Agricultural Resistance in US History Isaac Sohn Leslie and Monica M. White
Post-Truth MIT Knowledge Series
Inferno Dante
Socialism: Utopian and Scientific Frederick Engles
Idylls of the King Alfred Lord Tennyson
Death of a Salesman Arthur Miller

To-Read List

Book Title Author
Purgatorio Dante
Paradiso Dante
L'Étranger Albert Camus
The Brothers Karamazov Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Metamorphoses Ovid (Stephanie McCarter Translation)
Governing the Commons Elinor Ostrom
Paradise Lost John Milton
The Geograhy of Capitalist Exploitation Andrea Ricci